Learning journey insight

#4 Begin with the end

Students tend to get very restless when you ask them to sit down and watch videos. (Not the Disney kind of video, which they always anticipate). Hence I have learnt that I get students to anticipate the video (esp when I also think it's a boring one) by telling them beforehand that I am going to ask a few questions, then those who can answer will get a mystery gift from me! 

#3 Empower students
When it comes to idea, you can always ask student to brainstorm.

#2 How to get students participate

4 Communication techniques
1. Strategies- a series of actions I take to get the result I want.  
Eg: Strategy for paying attention, to listen, to go toilet without interrupt the lesson.
ΓΌ  Active learning strategy: (to find a patner)
a. Find a partner who wearing glasses.
b. Stand back to back with your partner.  (in this way, you no need to ask them to say quiet.)

2. High energy
3. Intensity eye contact.

4. Transfer of Feeling.

In conclusion, talk SHIT.  =P 

#1 A well-prepared lesson plans yield an effective teaching & learning
This suddenly struck me today, when I was attending the Master class of Education here in Fairview University College.

If a teacher provides quality examples (say like during writing, teaching, delivery new knowledge, moving to a new chapter). Students will response with quality answer too.

Later thought:
This is why certain teacher always has excellent students, and some teachers just hardly maintain the quality. and become task oriented instead.


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